ronald tinsley charlotte nc

Ronald Tinsley Charlotte NC: A Comprehensive Overview

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This article provides a detailed account of Ronald Tinsley Charlotte NC, focusing on his association with Charlotte, NC. By exploring references, we gain insights into his background, personal details, public records, and other significant aspects of his life. The information presented here follows a clear, organized structure to ensure a comprehensive understanding.

Background Information

Personal Details and Public Records

The name Ronald E. Tinsley is associated with multiple records in Charlotte, North Carolina. Several profiles indicate varying age ranges, addresses, and other personal details:

  • Age: 71 years old (as per recent references), indicating a long-term residency in the Charlotte area.
  • Addresses:
  • One primary address listed for Ronald E. Tinsley is 7236 Cormwell Ln, Charlotte, NC 28217-7952.
  • Another related address is 7248 Cormwell Ln, Charlotte, NC, suggesting proximity within the same neighborhood.
  • Phone Numbers: Various phone numbers are linked to the name, including:
  • (704) 523-xxxx
  • (704) 458-8663
  • (704) 525-9501

These details point toward a consistent presence in the region, highlighting a potentially well-established life in Charlotte.

Family and Relationships

Associations with Other Individuals

The references to Ronald Tinsley in Charlotte also include associations with other family members:

  • Helen Tinsley: An obituary for Mrs. Helen Tinsley mentions a Ronald (Sarah) Tinsley, indicating a family connection. Helen Tinsley was known to reside in Charlotte, NC, suggesting that Ronald’s ties to the city may involve deep family roots.
  • Patricia Erb: Additional records mention Ron Tinsley in connection with Patricia Erb, who resided in Charlotte. They reportedly had a daughter named Tera in 1972, suggesting that Ronald has been part of the Charlotte community for several decades.

Key Point: The Tinsley family appears to have an extensive history in the Charlotte region, underscoring Ronald’s potential involvement in local community activities and familial networks.

Public Inquiries and Interest

Various searches and inquiries related to “Ronald Tinsley Charlotte NC” reflect the public’s curiosity about different aspects of his life:

  • Age and Location: Many records focus on the 71-year-old Ronald Tinsley, likely due to his established presence in the area. The frequent mention of specific addresses suggests that he is a well-known resident within the Charlotte community.
  • Family Connections: Searches involving Helen Tinsley and other family members reveal an interest in tracing familial ties, emphasizing the importance of family dynamics in understanding Ronald’s background.

Property and Area Information

The information on property ownership linked to Ronald Tinsley includes details such as:

  • Residential Properties: His known addresses point to residence within specific neighborhoods, possibly indicating property ownership or long-term rental.
  • Area Insights: The addresses associated with Ronald are located in established neighborhoods of Charlotte, which may provide insights into his lifestyle and community involvement.

Contact Information Summary

Primary Address7236 Cormwell Ln, Charlotte, NC 28217
Phone Numbers(704) 523-xxxx, (704) 458-8663
Associated NamesHelen Tinsley, Patricia Erb

Obituaries and Memorial References

Ronald Keith Tinsley (1945-2017)

An obituary for a Ronald Keith Tinsley who passed away in 2017 at the age of 72 was found among the references. While this may or may not be the same individual from Charlotte, the presence of this information points to potential confusion or overlap in the records of individuals named Ronald Tinsley.

  • Birth and Death: Born on October 18, 1945, and passing in September 2017.
  • Memorial Details: The obituary highlights personal aspects and family connections, providing a glimpse into the broader Tinsley family’s history.

Professional and Community Involvement

Though specific professional details regarding Ronald Tinsley are not directly mentioned in the available records, his age and long-term residence in Charlotte suggest a possible background in local business or community activities:

  • Possible Retiree: Given his age (71), Ronald may be retired, contributing to the community in ways that are less publicly documented.
  • Community Presence: The references to multiple family members within Charlotte indicate that the Tinsley family has a potentially active community presence, participating in local events, networks, or activities.

Clarifications and Additional Notes

Other Individuals Named Ronald Tinsley

  • Multiple Profiles: It is important to note that references to other individuals named “Ronald Tinsley” exist, with different age ranges and locations. For instance, another profile lists a 55-year-old Ronald associated with different phone numbers and addresses.
  • Aliases: Some records mention aliases or alternate names for Ronald, which might represent different family members or individuals within the same community.

Address Variations

  • The presence of multiple addresses in the Charlotte area could indicate a history of residential changes, property ownership, or rental activities. These variations point toward a potentially complex real estate involvement within the local community.


Ronald E. Tinsley in Charlotte, NC, appears to be a well-established resident, with references to family ties, possible property ownership, and an age that suggests long-term involvement in the local community. The presence of multiple addresses and associated names points to an individual with a potentially rich personal and familial history in the region.

Key Takeaways:

  • Age and Residency: At 71, Ronald Tinsley is associated with several addresses in Charlotte, indicating a stable and long-term connection to the city.
  • Family Ties: References to family members like Helen Tinsley and Patricia Erb highlight the importance of family relationships in his life.
  • Public Interest: The various searches and records reflect public curiosity about his background, contact details, and family associations.

Final Note: This overview aims to provide a detailed understanding of Ronald Tinsley’s profile in Charlotte, NC, while maintaining the privacy and neutrality expected in a professional summary.

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